Odd and Leviathan Anthology Updates

Just a short note about ongoing projects. Because of our focus on the feminist spec fic anthology (see blog entry below), we're pushing Odd back to the fall/winter and will be in touch with subscribers about a restructured schedule by Sept/October. Leviathan 5 is being pushed into 2013-14 on Chizine's schedule for similar reasons. The feminist spec fic antho is hundreds of hours of work for an honorarium, Odd is a start-up, and Leviathan would be more work for free. The honest truth is that we can only absorb the time/money loss of one gratis or start-up project at a time, so we hope you'll understand these delays. The feminist spec fic anthology was a wonderful opportunity, but we have to surround it with paying projects.We've also just come off the busiest two years of our lives, with The Weird and other books, and I'm just getting back into my own writing. So all of this factors into the decision. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thanks for your patience.


The Goat Variations: Free VanderFiction for Other Worlds Than These


Friday Writing Advice: Heed Leaf #1