Evil Monkey Takes a Jaunt to the B&N Review

Evil Monkey continues to conquer the world, appearing this week in an interview at the B&N Review about our Kosher Guide to Imaginary Animals. Here's an excerpt...

The Barnes & Noble Review: Ann, you teach Bar and Bat Mitzvah classes. Do you get questions from students along the lines of “Is a Wookie kosher?”Ann: You would be surprised at some of the questions I get from the students. I actually learn quite a bit from them. I can't always answer their questions so it requires me to study more myself. They get a kick out of that. Also, it shows them that you are never done learning. What I like to do is to ask THEM if Wookkies are Kosher and then see what they say. I remember having a deep discussion once about Captain Underpants when we were talking about the clothing worn by the Kohanim in the Holy Temple.Evil Monkey: I was there when they started talking about Captain Underpants. That was one of the proudest moments of my life…

Evil Monkey: Well, at least it ranked right up there.Jeff: I hope you behaved yourself.Evil: Oddly enough, I did.Jeff: Then I think, in light of your new civility, you might consider putting down both the uzi and whisky bottle.


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