Work Rooms Gone Wrong & Reference Texts: Wot I Did This Weekend
We've got a pretty good handle on the house most years, despite all of the incoming materials (sometimes up to 40 books a week) except for my office, in part because I'm not wedded to writing in there, so it invariably becomes this kind of catch-all storage space for stuff. And I don't mean the review copies. I mean, the boxes and boxes of books I've written or Ann and I have edited. This past year we had so many darn books published that it overwhelmed us. Finally, finally got caught up, although still need to vacuum and replace that chair and paint the walls. Part of having an uncluttered mind is having an uncluttered office. Erm, please tell me others have similar horror stories of rooms gone wrong.
Now that I can reach my desk, here're the reference books I stack there--general stuff, writing books, and then texts specific to future projects. Erm, the Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy book I was supposed to review but haven't read it yet.