Evil Monkey: The Work Is Its Own Reward

Evil Monkey:How's it going?Jeff:Surprisingly well.Evil Monkey:Maybe you're just delusional.Jeff:Maybe you're just cynical.Evil Monkey:Economy in the toilet. Foreign wars. On the personal front, you've spent more than two weeks getting over jetlag.Jeff:I think some of that was work avoidance. I think maybe I was close to being burned out.Evil Monkey:Work, pale human! Work! And keep working.Jeff:I was talking to Ann about feeling overloaded last night and she told me there was this great book that dealt with the subject, and she'd go get it. And she went and brought out a spiral bound copy of Booklife.Evil Monkey:Well, you really should read it, you know.Jeff:Someday, Evil. Someday I will. You should read it, too.Evil Monkey:I'm beyond redemption. Redemption would kill me off like a stake through the heart of a bloodsucker.Jeff:I'm not sure what would kill me off right now. Looks like a certain book deal just went in the crapper.Evil Monkey:Book deals don't kill people. People kill people.Jeff:True dat. Although I've got some very good and smart friends who qualify as peoples. And a wife who's too funny.Evil Monkey:You're agreeing with me too much, Jeff. Are you ill?Jeff:No, I'm actually awake for once.Evil Monkey:I can put a stop to that.Jeff:Put the hammer down, Evil.Evil Monkey:Bring the hammer down?Jeff:No! Put. It. Down.Evil Monkey:Okay. But I might hit you with it anyway when you're not looking.Jeff:Sometimes I wish I could quit you.Evil Monkey:You can't quit yourself. And why would you want to?Jeff:Too many channels. Too many projects.Evil Monkey:Be cruel and cut some of them off. Nip them in the bud. Nip, snip. Done.Jeff:Why don't you do that for me and I'll start working on Borne.Evil Monkey:Sure. Nothing I love more than snuffing out nascent life.Jeff:What do you want in return?Evil Monkey:The work is its own reward.


Awards, and Farmer


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