Books Received--Darwin and Poe (Bonus: Imaginary Beings and Grandson)
A marvelous, wonderful, brilliant, amazing issue of this literary magazine, on evolution--including essays, fiction, and poetry. My favorite poet, Patiann Rogers, is included, and the cover is by Brunetti (although you can only find that out by looking at the fine print in the back). You need this volume.
A stunning cover and interior design for this Solaris mass-market from Ellen Datlow. Almost wish it was a hardcover or trade paperback, but on the other hand it's one of the most beautiful mass markets I now posess. The introduction by Datlow, though, is kind of lame. The stories look great, but there's got to be more to say about Poe on his 200th birthday. That's a minor irritant, though, as there are copious story notes after each tale.
A book I bought tonight--can't find my old copy.
Toni Jerrman sent me this bleakly hilarious graphic novel of anonymous soldiers fighting a pointless war (along with the best holiday card ever--sorry I haven't had time to email you yet to thank you, Toni.)
Grandson with puddin'!!
Post puddin' after-bath wrapped-in-blanket-cocoon grandson!