Everyone Must Get Stoned: The Shirley Jackson Award and, Er, Cat Pics
(Jango, aka Bango aka Fango aka Wango, holding the Jackson finalist stone for "The Third Bear")Finally our cats serve a purpose, as in the above photo, where Jango is guarding the very cool token of appreciation the Shirley Jackson Awards gave to finalists last year (don't know if it's an annual thing, but hope so). Like the pins you get for being a Hugo or World Fantasy Award finalist, it's a very nice idea. Right now, the Jackson Awards committee is raising additional funding. Go visit and make a donation to ensure we can all keep getting stoned.Alas, our cat Jackson thought the awards were named after him (although we pointed out that if they had been, it would be called the Shirley Jackson "Poofy Cat Clown" Award), and then promptly staged a monochromatic protest with our giant penguin (literally, he stood that way with the penguin for, like, five hours):
Still, he's at least again being useful, unlike their normal state of being.
It takes a lot of effort to rest, so rest again they must...
Until Jango takes it upon himself to do a kind of clockpunk Blair Witch and stare for a couple of hours into this corner...