Predator: Me 'N' Dave Larsen Are Not Playing Around Here, Folks
Dave Larsen, thinking about weapons
A Predator, thinking about Dave LarsenPeople, if you're going to write a Predator novel, you gotta go in loaded for bear. Bigger'n bear, actually. It's just that simple. No pussy-footing around. No namby-pampy, no wishy-washy, and ABSOLUTELY NO WATER PISTOLS.So you go to your main source for weapons information, that being my friend Dave Larsen, he of the Ambergris knife creation...
...the Shriek movie prop creation...
...and now he of the know-your-personal-weapons-when-on-an-island-in-the-South-China-Sea-information, set out after the cut. (Thanks, Dave--couldn't do this project without you.)Again, you go into a situation like this, you go hard, you go strong, and you NEVER stop to pick wildflowers. 'Cause that's how you get two-dozen M-16 rounds in your sorry ass.Predator novel writing begins...NOW. (All info below provided by Dave.)JeffPERSONAL WEAPONS: A SAMPLINGAK-47-Soviet standard military small arm since 1947-Full auto, 30 rounds to 75 rounds drum magazine-Used by Warsaw Pact, Post-Soviet states, pretty much everyone worldwide-Inexpensive to manufacture and easy to clean and maintain-Rugged as hell, almost impossible to get too dirty or wet to fire-The Kalashnikov is one of the most reliable weapons ever made
Weight - 8.4 lbs unloaded, 9.5 lbs loadedRound - 7.62 X 39Kinetic Energy - 1478 ft lbsRange - 300 mRate of Fire - 600 rpmAK-74 -Greater range, less recoil, flatter trajectory than AK-47-Reduced recoil provides greater accuracy on full auto-Very loud-Used by former USSR countries and most Mideast countries-Fires full auto or semi auto-Full auto is one click down, semi auto two clicks down (top is safe)
Weight - 3.3 kgRound - 5.45 X 39mm (Similar to round of M-16, 5.56 X 45mm NATO)Kinetic Energy - 1.39 kilojoulesRange - 500 mRate of Fire - 600 rpmM203 Grenade Launcher-Single shot
Weight - 3 lbs unloadedRound - 40 X 46 grenadeKinetic Energy - explosive roundRange - 160 ydsRate of Fire - single shotQBZ-95-Chinese, in service since about 1995-Used by People's Republic of China and Cambodia-Semi-auto bullpup configuration - magazine and receiver behind the trigger-The 5.8 x 42 mm DBP87 is a small high velocity round similar to 7.62 X 39mm-Considered to be more effective due to higher muzzle velocity-These rounds effective against human targets - not so much with large game
Weight - 8 lbs unloadedRound - 5.8 x 42 mm DBP87 30-round magazine or 75-round drumRange - 400 mRate of Fire - 650 rpmRuger No 1 Tropical-Known for its massive recoil, very simple and reliable "Express Rifle"-Big Game-This one is stainless steel, a plus in a jungle-40" overall length is relatively shorter than other big game weapons, again good for jungle activities
Weight - 9 lbsRound - .458 LottRange - 458 Lott, about 2.8 inches longRate of Fire - Single shotPEOPLE AND THEIR WEAPONS (not including Predator)SukhonPirate CaptainAK-47SuchinSukhon's sisterPirate AK-47VirotePirate First MateAK-47, A pair of 1911sPirate CrewAK-47s, and big, simple knives (lots of them)Rath PreapEx-Khmer Rouge ColonelOwns islandAK-74, and Marakov in front pants pocketNathan ColquhounAmerican?Partnership AUndisclosedJimmy TauAfrican arms dealerPartnership APartnership BQBZ-95Horia UrsuRomanian – goodfellaPartnership AAK-47, and Beretta 93RMaxim BarnesBritish rockerBored like David Lee RothNo 1 TropicalBrowning M2Benjamin PeakeAustralianBig-game hunterCustom-built 4-gaugeNikolai BashukovRussian, ex-KGBOil wealthWinchester Model 70, and Glock 17Tessa MariyaNikolai's assistantContract killerM16, Kel Tec P3AT, and short, double-edged dagger (She probably carries a piano wire garrote too)John GustatIndustrial-rich AmericanDaredevil – climbing, war, ex-Special ForcesM77 Mark II, M16 with grenade launcher, and Walther P99 in 40 S&WGiant CrocodileHuge freakin' teeth and slammin' jaw speed and strength. Good luck.